More men getting plastic surgery to improve looks, Pooja Lodhia reports.
But, look closely. Is it all natural?
“He’s had laser resurfacing. He’s had ample amounts of BOTOX. He’s had fillers,” said Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Franklin Rose.
Dr. Rose has never treated Clinton but says he knows plastic surgery when he sees it.
When Dr. Rose started practicing decades ago, men made up about five percent of his clientele. Now, it’s more like 20 percent.
J Olivares, 28, has had his lips done. “Nowadays the trend is to look youthful,” Olivares explained. “Who wants to look old?”
Review the whole story and see the before and after plastic surgery photos video featuring Dr. Franklin Rose on ABC’s website: https://abc13.com/1459136/

Tonight at 10pm on KTRK ABC 13 Pooja Lodhia talks with Dr. Franklin Rose about the increase of male plastic surgery- including surgical as well as non-invasive office procedures in 2016 along with former president and first-gentleman hopeful Bill Clinton’s recent facelift as unveiled at the DNC last week – tune in to see before & afters, video & THE BIG REVEAL tonight at ten PM!
Is America ready for a nip-tucked first gentleman?
Dr. Franklin Rose Discusses the Former President-Come-First Gentleman’s Hopeful’s Plastic Surgery Procedures
HOUSTON, TX; August 2016 – First Gentleman hopeful and former President Bill Clinton put his new face forward at last weeks historical Democratic National Convention big reveal. Renown celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Franklin Rose was asked to review the photos to see what plastic surgery procedures he may have had done.
We can’t say for sure what procedures former President Bill Clinton, —who turns 70 this August!-–has or has not done, but photos of the First Gentleman hopeful capturedat last week’s DNC indicate some subtle and not-so subtle changes.
It may not be the most pressing question about Hillary Clinton’s bid for the White House, but the more we see of husband Bill, the more attractive he becomes!
While Clinton’s speech and history-making role as First Gentleman hopeful in support of his wife’s candidacy for the leader of the free world was ground-breaking; even more inspirational might be said to be his more youthful and revitalized appearance due to a lot of makeup along with the likely aid of an East Coast plastic surgeon.
“He (Clinton) looked younger and more refreshed than ever on Wednesday,” said Dr. Franklin Rose, a plastic surgeon in Houston Texas (who has not treated Clinton.) Dr. Rose is quite certain that the former president had a facelift and more. “Many have noted Clinton’s physical decline in recent years due to his hospitalization for health reasons and subsequent weight loss along with rhynophyma which cannot be resolved without surgical treatment. Certainly, last week, his looks improved dramatically.”
Clinton’s most likely surgeries include some or all the following:
- Lower face & neck lift
- Fat or filler injections to cheek and neck
- Facial resurfacing laser treatments such as Limelight and IPL photofacial
- Conservative use of Botox to soften facial lines and wrinkles
- Forehead/ brow lift
- Upper and lower eyelid lift
THE CHANGING FACE OF PLASTIC SURGERY: More than ever before, men are visiting the plastic surgeon desiring to improve specific problem areas. Minimally-invasive procedures for men such as Botox and filler injections like Juvederm along with traditional facelifts are also on the rise. According to recent statistics from American Society of Plastic Surgeons (the largest group of board certified plastic surgeons in the world) there were 15.9 million cosmetic surgery procedures performed on men in the United States in 2015; a significant increase over 2014.
“The idea that plastic surgery is just for women no longer applies,” explains Dr. Franklin Rose. “Men are seeking to regain a more youthful look in order to feel better about their appearance & self-image. It’s fortunate that we now have techniques specifically to address a man’s aging face to meet men’s desires and often exceed their expectations.
Even more so than women, men demand a natural look.” Dr. Rose maintains. But to his — and his doctor’s — credit, the former presidents likely facelift is a “beautiful job,” says Dr. Rose. “Whoever is treating him now is a credit to our industry and profession giving Bill both a handsome and natural expression without over-use of botox and allowing the right amount of facial laxity to remain, leaving the former president with a rejuvenated, relaxed and confident appearance.”