Dr. Franklin Rose noted among the Houston Chronicle’s most fascinating headliners of 2018
A look back at the Bayou City’s most unforgettable residents of the year By Amber Elliott
Read the stories of the Houstonians in the spotlight in it’s entirety in the Houston Chronicle https://www.chron.com/life/article/Houston-s-43-most-fascinating-and-controversial-13463483.php#photo-14301376
In Houston, the year 2018 may well be remembered for real-life often proving more entertaining than scripted drama on the big or small screens.
Last year, plastic surgeon Dr. Franklin Rose performed eight procedures on Claudia Sierra in a single day for a Melania Trump-inspired “mommy makeover.” In November, Rose upped the ante when he revealed Sarah Schmidt’s nine-procedure Ivanka Trump-inspired makeover on “Inside Edition.”