This month Swoon Memorial Magazine published by the always fabulous Lara Bell! This is a picture of beautiful bride Cindi Rose and beautiful daughter Erica Rose Sanders in their winning tiaras from the Texas Legacy U.S. pageant as featured on page 27! J.D. Joyce Investments was the kind sponsor. Kudos !

Read SWOON memorial magazine in it’s entirety for September:
While in lockdown mode, four members of the Rose Sanders family made history at the first-ever virtual Texas Legacy US Pageant. For the first time
in any pageant’s history, three generations from one family won titles! Aspen Rose Sanders (1 1/2 y.o.) won Miss Pee Wee Texas, Holland Rose Sanders (3 1/2 y.o.) won Teeny Miss Lonestar, Erica Rose Sanders won Mrs. Texas Legacy, and Cindi Rose won Miss Texas Elite.
From Houston, the Rose Sanders family works hard on inner-beauty and wants to share the message that outer beauty is not what matters, rather, it is believing in and putting forth your best self.
Erica and Cindi believe it is so important to instill inner beauty in their
daughters and granddaughters at a young age.
The family has continued their philanthropic efforts during the pandemic. The girls decorated 50 lunch sacks and the whole family teamed up to
pack them with healthy snacks which they then donated to Kids’ Meals. Holland and Aspen also helped tie-dye face masks which they donated to
nurses in need. The Rose Sanders family has also decorated hats and plans to donate them to Today’s Harbor for Children, a foster care for abused
children and teens.
Nationals for the pageant are in Orlando, but the family has chosen to forgo the competition due to the Coronavirus. The title holders will get crowned
in-person next year, but in the meantime, they are going to continue their philanthropic efforts and donate to various charities.