stem cell

jess archer dr franklin rose houston liposuction

Advances in Liposuction Could Hold The Keys to a Fountain of Youth!

Freezing and storing your stem cells obtained during Houston liposuction could combat age-related disease and even reverse aging itself: Combat those extra holiday pounds with a little liposuction and your future self will thank you! HOUSTON, TX; January 2021 – “New year, new you” may no longer be simply about living a healthier lifestyle in […]

Advances in Liposuction Could Hold The Keys to a Fountain of Youth! Read More »

Innovative Stem-Cell Techniques Make the Facelift New Again-as featured on ABC

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Franklin Rose has developed a new and innovative set of procedures we call a “Stem-cell enhanced facelift” using the patient’s own tissues which can result in faster healing while restoring lost volume to the face and neck areas. His specific techniques utilize a 4 layer technique to address the aging face and neck to create

Innovative Stem-Cell Techniques Make the Facelift New Again-as featured on ABC Read More »

Introducing: Utopia Stem-Cell Enhanced Signature Facials

Introducing the NEW “Utopia Laser Assisted Stem-Cell Enhanced Microneedling Facials” –  $950 regular price – for a limited time save $200.00 – Introducing the Utopia Signature Laser Assisted Stem-Cell Enhanced Microneedling Facial ONLY AVAILABLE at Utopia Med Spa. This treatment begins with our Genesis laser technology, designed to stimulate collagen production, reduce redness, and improve

Introducing: Utopia Stem-Cell Enhanced Signature Facials Read More »